Monday, February 06, 2006

"The sky is blue
The grass is green
My love is true and shall
always be with you...."

A lot has been written about women and love. I do not know the reason behind such a construct but I think it is difficult to prove or refute the veracity of such a statement. There is this one that goes - For men love is part of his life, for women it is her entire existence. I mean, what can this mean? Then again, it can mean so many diffferent things, and maybe not all nonsensical after all. Striking however at the roots of universal acceptance of such statements are figures like 'Devdas'.( I apologise for my ignorance - no other example is coming to my mind). That makes me wonder, that gender is not important, the main concern is LOVE. Either you can use your mental abilities and be intelligent OR you can fall in love and go with the flow. (Yes, you got it right.It is an either or situation.If you are in love you cannot act smart).Most people opt for the latter when the circumstances arise. So now an obvious question will be, is everyone who has been/is in love doomed to perdition ? NO. Because, though the object of affection ( referring to human beings ) might be acquired for a temporary time or for keep sake or not be acquired at all, the LOVE ( with all its eccentricities) detaches itself from object of affection.So the soul gets saved. What then appears to be love is familiarity, which is not all that bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said... I have stated in the one of the earlier mails...let a woman to be a woman as you expect a man to be one...[NOW I ADD]..."and let them fall in love over and again"... IT is still a mystry...and it is upto you to choose to either try to solve it, or let it unfold itself to you while you do something different with your life. It is all a matter of choice darling!! [Mark my last sentence deeply]

12:12 PM

Blogger Dhoritri said...

You meant YOU as in ME or YOU as in GENERAL....I hope it is the latter !!! Thanks 'Darling' for the response !!

12:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am very glad to read sth like this abt love.......well, i donot know much abt love but certainly i can say that i am deeply touched by ur concept of love and keep it up

10:48 PM


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